Cedar Ridge Trails
             horsecamp LLC

Contact Us

Cedar Ridge Trails
      David & Lana Bruce
      39627 Elk Road
      Laquey, Missouri 65534

From I-44 take exit 153 (Buckhorn exit) south on Hwy 17 approximately 12 miles to Elk Road. Turn right on to Elk Road for approximately 2  1/2 miles then turn right to Cedar Ridge Trails. About a 20 minute drive from I-44.

    From Lebanon: This is not the best route!   Hwy 32 East approximately 15 miles to K. This is a very curvy road. Turn left on K approximately 3 1/2 miles to Dawn Road. Turn right on Dawn Road approximately 5 miles to Elk Road. Dawn is a gravel road! Turn left on Elk Road, go 1 mile Cedar Ridge Trails Horsecamp is on the left. This route there is 6 miles of  gravel roads. We recommend taking I-44 to exit 153!

    From the back gate of Ft. Leonard Wood, take AW to Hwy 17. Turn right onto Hwy 17 approximately 9 miles to Elk Road. Turn left on to  Elk Road approximately 2 1/2 miles then turn right to Cedar Ridge Trails. About a 15 minute drive.​​

Chrystal Bohrer & Flower
Faith , Nana Lana & Flower
Faith  & Flower
Faith and Dutchess
David & Lana on Mac & Dutchess
